The story is of a married woman who, grieving her inability to have children, finds comfort and healing in her friendship with another man. It's about discovering grace in darkness and the unexpected places we find healing. 生活在喬治亞州一個小鎮裡的南希,剛剛經歷了一次流產。因為悲傷,她徹夜難眠,於是偷偷觀察起新搬來的鄰居克萊的一舉一動。克萊和他的祖父就住在街對面。不久,南The story is of a married woman who, grieving her inability to have children, finds comfort and healing in her friendship with another man. It's about discovering grace in darkness and the unexpected places we find healing. 生活在喬治亞州一個小鎮裡的南希,剛剛經歷了一次流產。因為悲傷,她徹夜難眠,於是偷偷觀察起新搬來的鄰居克萊的一舉一動。克萊和他的祖父就住在街對面。不久,南希和克萊就熟悉了,而且關係很密切,以至於引來了鎮子裡人們的流言飛語,以及南希丈夫的警惕。有一天,克萊的祖父突然去世了,克萊終於告訴南希自己當初離婚的原因就是由於自己小女兒的死亡。共同的悲傷經歷,使兩個人越走越近,南希不知道在丈夫和克萊之間應該如何抉擇,直到有一天一個棄嬰的到來,改變了事情的發展軌道……